
Never stop growing

Becoming a licensed doctor requires enduring a grueling decade of scholastic work.
Getting a Swarchenegger built requires sticking to a strict dietary program and pumping heavy irons.
Scaling Mount Everest requires braving a treacherous track of 29,000 feet.

You need to give up something to go up.

In order to obtain something that you never had, you must be willing to sacrifice and do something that you've never done before.

If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll only get what you've always gotten. (John Maxwell)

If you're good in your craft, keep growing by adjusting to the changing environment. Keep yourself conversant with the innovations. Attend seminars and read books to update yourself in your field of expertise.

Never stop growing. Plateaus should only be found in geography, not in personal experience.

Restlessness is discontent, and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure. (Thomas Edison)